Sure, being selected to participate in the San Francisco Decorator Showcase sounds all exciting and glamorous. Don’t get me wrong: it most certainly is, but it is also a lot of hard work pulling together breath-taking fabulousness at the breakneck speed required to meet all of the deadlines that come along with these types of projects. Once our idea was hatched, we needed to develop and draw our design so that it can actually be built. Luckily, we work the way we live – fast and with great enthusiasm.
Our design process literally started when we first stepped into the space. The three of us, Gregg, Michelle and I (Jennifer), began our process of stream-of-consciousness
banter that takes the shape of the scheme that we ultimately
developed. What we’ve ended up with is really fun and will
definitely make an impression. So what did Team DMA finally
decide to do with the carpeted floors (in a bathroom – eww),
wonky medicine cabinet that reminded us of a guillotine, and
many ceiling arches? Check in next week to find out more.
And so it begins ...
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