Leap Stuff

DMA is participating in Leap’s Annual Sandcastle Contestagain this year.  This wonderful event benefits Leap,a non-profit organization whose mission is to bring visual creativity back into the Bay Area School System.  For the past 27 years, Leap has hosted this spirited competition between teams of architects, engineers, contractors, designers and local elementary school students each October at Ocean Beach where over 500 students and adults participate in designing and building structures made entirely of sand.

In preparation for this event, we needed to get the word out. So Deborah and I walked to Ryan + Associates office and assisted in stuffing envelopes.  Sounds easy right?  First you place the label on the outside of the envelope, then tri-fold the letter, place a label on the return donation envelope, then tri-fold the donation envelope, place the letter and the donation envelope into the large mailing envelope, then finally seal and stamp the mailer. Oh, and did I mention we prepared over 600 of them?  Think of the “I Love Lucy” episode where Lucy and Ethel work at the chocolate factory, except with office supplies.  Needless to say, it was worth every paper cut.   To learn more about Leap and the Sandcastle Contest, visit their website www.leap4kids.com