Hey, Thanks!

The Thankful DM+A TeamDM+A Thanksgiving Lunch PlateWe celebrated our 4th Annual Thanksgiving Potluck on November 21st this year in typical DM+A style. The menu included Michelle’s Pumpkin Curry Soup and Brussels Spouts, Lisa’s Turkey Breast Roulade, Eduardo’s Roasted Lamb, Rachel’s Beanie-Weenies (don’t ask) and Pumpkin Pie, Colton’s Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Gregg’s Sausage Stuffing and Sweet Potatoes, and my Cranberry Relish. As you can imagine, our afternoon was spent complaining about full tummies and fighting off the effects to tryptophan.

We are all incredibly grateful that everyone is in good health, that DM+A is still here and that we’ve got many, many friends who are on this crazy journey with us.   Thanks!