
Lava Mae, Wash On!

bus image shower imageLava Mae, you have inspired us to be nice. Your service providing mobile showers for the homeless is such an awesome service. For most of us, we take taking a shower for granted, but here's why it's so challenging for the San Francisco homeless to get clean and why Lava Mae rocks!  

  • There are only 8 places in the city offering showers for the homeless.
  • Most are centrally located making it difficult for those who make their homes in other parts of the city to access.
  • With 1-2 shower stalls at best in each facility that translates into 16 showers for the 3,000+ men, women and children living on the city’s streets


Speaking for myself, and having a baby to tend to now, I understand how something as simple as getting a shower in can breathe new life into your day and soul for that matter.

Hey friends we just made a donation to provide 200 showers to refresh our homeless. Click here to do the same!


I’m Dreaming of a Ginger Xmas

Well, once again the Holiday Season has descended upon us, inciting most of us to scurry about trying to find perfect gifts and throw fabulous holiday soirees. In the middle of all of this, the elves at DM+A begin to prepare for our annual Gingerbread House Decorating Party for the kids at Edgewood Center for Families and Children. Since 2008, we have looked forward to this holiday tradition as a way to give back and to make the holidays special for kids who aren’t as lucky as most. Edgewood Center for Children and Families is a San Francisco institution dating back to Gold Rush days, providing a home, emotional care and support for more than 5,000 children who are victims of abuse, neglect and mental illness.   This year’s statistics:  40 Gingerbread Houses from Reisterer's Bakery, aprons donated by David Myers at Myers & Co., a 50% discount of pizza from Papa John’s,  50 pounds of candy donated by our 15 volunteers made the party for 22 Edgewood kids and 15 counselors another success.  To learn more about Edgewood and how you can get involved, visit their website at

The Color Purple

Our friend and marketing consultant, Jack Ryder, invited me to join him at the Purple Silk Music Education Foundation’s Gala on October 20th.  I’ve learned quickly that if Jack invites you somewhere, that you should go, even if you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.  So a short two hours after a 4.0 earthquake, we boarded the BART and headed over to the Legendary Palace in Oakland’s Chinatown to begin my introduction to the Purple Silk organization.  Founded in 1995 by Sherlyn Chew, a musician and elementary school teacher, PSMEF is a unique program that serves over 700 inner city students a year in Oakland and the Bay Area by providing music education using traditional Chinese instruments. 

At the Gala, we were treated to music from the foundation’s student Orchestra, a delicious 9-course meal and the company of many great people there to support a fantastic organization.  If you’re interested in learning more about Purple Silk Music or would like to offer your support, please visit their website